Ann let me know that she liked Victorian and her colors were whites and creams and she also liked maroon or darker reds which I don't have much of but I do have whites and creams and she said she also liked pink, I do have pink,
lol. I tried to make her squishy as Victorian as I could. I found the little girl image on the same blog that Lyn G posted about. Her hat was maroon but her blouse was white, I thought it would look good if her blouse matched her hat so I colored the blouse. Her face had no color so I gave her a nice blush and made her eyes blue. I think she turned out really pretty, I hope you like your
squishie Ann! Thank you so much for your help!

Nicki S is the other winner, thank you for your help also Nicki! Nicki let me know that she wanted blues with an Under the Sea Theme so I put together
uts items and fabrics. I didn't know what I was going to use for her silkies so I went to google and typed in Free Clip Art and started clicking on links and found two adorable images. I didn't have to do anything to these but print them out. I hope you like your
squishie Nicki!